Do You Have “Talent” For Acting???

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– Full Transcript –

So you want to be an actor… or you gotta be an actor? That is the question. The only reason to be an actor is if you absolutely truly cannot focus on anything else. Becoming an actor is a wholehearted commitment and sacrifice.

It is a commitment because you must be POSSESSED and invest every fiber of your being in your choice: In order to make the kind of commitment it takes to be an actor, you must have an unwavering belief in your craft and a passion for the work that makes everything else in life secondary

Well the Acting For Real Academy was created to give practical information and advice to people who are considering professional acting as a lifetime career or to make the transition from being a social media influencer to television, films and commercials.

Having spent nearly my entire life in this fascinating and frustrating profession, performing in theater, guest starring in over a hundred television shows and 26 Mainstream movies, co-founder of the American Children’s theater, artistic director of the Westside Repertory Theatre Company, and the Actors and directors Lab and known in the industry as The Coach To The Stars.

Hi I am Thom, Thom McFadden founder of the Acting For Real Academy

If you are ready for some tough Love, Let’s ACT!

From my experience – being a high-end acting coach for 123 years – loving every minute, that I am sharing.. Here is what you’ll need if you’re going to make it… that is, if you’re going to make a livelihood as an actor. You must possess the following…

First… Talent –. Second… A charismatic, fascinating, interesting, likeable, hateful, definable personality — Third….Proper training — Fourth… Commitment and a will to succeed… AND fifth… A great Attitude

This is MY commitment… If I can set you on the right track so you know that you’re making the right decision… AND you have the right tools to present yourself as an artist.That’s a Win. A Win for you and Me.

For those talented, dedicated and brave souls who are willing and able to commit themselves to an acting career, I’m excited and proud to reveal to you some very useful strategies and techniques. This is NOT about giving you rules. There’s no proven path to a successful career in acting much less to stardom. If there were, the Acting For Real Academy would be unnecessary and everybody would be a superstar. So, don’t let anyone tell you any different. The reality is, only you can make the decisions and seize the possibilities. And these videos are intended to help you do both… wisely and effectively.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!—we’re happy to report that after 40 Years of Acting, teaching, and coaching, we still find that the first requirement for success is… drumroll please….. Talent. In fact, Talent is the number one of the number ones. Of course, there are those who make a brief appearance on the professional scene and as the saying goes “get their 15 minutes of fame” without it, BUT lasting success comes only to those who have IT.

Do you have it? Well that’s what we’re going to find out…

As a performer you must be outstanding Now. You should be showcasing your talent on the most popular current platforms. You should be an influencer on social media because that’s where it’s at — now.

Before accepting new students into my acting class at the Beverly Hills Playhouse, I would ask a very important question… AND I’ll ask you the exact same thing: “If I told you that there was ONE word, that if you just did it, would guarantee your success as an actor… would you DO it?”

Ok. Would you like to know what that word is?….. POSSESSED!!! In order to become a successful, paid, working actor… you must be possessed. There is no other way to stay the course in this competitive and sometimes unforgiving profession.

AND if after two or three years of training as an actor you still aren’t successful at landing acting jobs, and you don’t have a big following on social media, you should maybe reconsider.

But even if you move on to some other line of work, acting is such a great skill to have in business and in life, and it will help you to become truly successful. You show me a great entrepeneur, and I’ll show you an actor.

Most of the people who have risen to acting success in the past 40 years were also without exception recognized as being extraordinarily talented from the very beginning. That may be you or I’m sure you know what I mean. While technique and experience can be acquired along the way, Talent, where it exists, shows up almost immediately.

Talent is always accompanied by a great inner confidence: In fact, that is the key. Confidence is the power a person has over his own personality. It allows him to accept criticism and at the same time to rise above it. It allows him to believe in himself even when and if no one else does.

Talent is not definable, but it is recognizable. Talent is commonly described as magnetism… electricity… presence. Such presence carries through offstage well as onstage. It involves the way you look, dress, communicate, eat and live. Onstage it involves your ability to communicate naturally with the simplest and most basic tools: speech and behavior. Because acting is turning the psychology of a character into behavior. It’s an art that draws on the unconscious.

If an actor has talent, they stand out in any performance no matter how much of an amateur they may be. They may be great or terrible, but they are never boring. Chances are we would like to meet them after the show, because they seem to be so fascinating. They… Are… Talented.

There are no firm prerequisites for “making It.” in show business, but the necessity for talent comes as close as any possibly could. If my words struck a chord, then you understand my tough love AND you feel you are Possessed… then it’s time to ACT!

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Thom McFadden

Helping Actors and Social Media Personalities become castable and make the transition to Television and Film without all the guesswork and confusion. Featured in 26 mainstream movies and guest starring in over 100 television shows, Thom has been assisting Hollywood Actors, Directors and Producers fine-tune their talent, become memorable and get hired for over 40 years.