How to Make a Great First Acting Impression

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– Full Transcript –

Hi creators. Welcome to Thom’s Acting Tips.

One of the biggest mistakes that young actors make is the interview process.

They really don’t know how to interview properly.

If you can understand the right way to interview, you can increase your bookings by as much as twenty five percent.

So here’s the wrong way… You’re going to be nervous so, as soon as you open the door to come in, most actors just come rushing in with all this kind of energy, “Gimme the job!” with their hand sticking straight out.

Well the casting person, or director, or producer – whoever can give you the job – because it’s not a safe universe – recoils.

They pull back. That is something you do NOT want them to do. What you want them to do is move forward.

So here’s the correct way. The correct way is to be in BOP.

That means as soon as you open the door, you want to be able to be in Balance. You want to quiet yourself down. Just, one thousand one, thousand two, one thousand three, til you get your balance.

Then the ‘O’ in BOP is observation. You wanna look around. There could be something there on the person’s desk that you’ll be able to talk about. There may be something on the wall. So you want to be observant.

Then, as you’re moving forward, introducing yourself, you want to be in ‘present time’.

So that’s what BOP is… Balanced, Observant and in Present time.

Balance… Keep your balance… Get your balance.

Look around… See what’s going on… So that you can actually, maybe use something. There may be something that will actually trigger your imagination.

And ‘P’ is being in present time. A lot of young actors are not in present time. They’re so frightened, scared. They’re moving at such a high rate of energy.

So just quiet yourself down. Be yourself. Be in BOP. And you’ll increase your bookings by as much as twenty five percent.

You want the casting person, or the director, or the producer – who ever can give you the job – you want them to lean forward – it’s a visual business.

You want them to take pictures… Click-click click-click click-click… And as you’re moving towards them, they leaning forward looking at you.

Thank you so much for allowing me to keep you informed. I really enjoy this. You guys are awesome. Until the next time, I’m Thom. Thom McFadden with Thom’s Acting Tips.

– End Transcript –

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Thom McFadden

Helping Actors and Social Media Personalities become castable and make the transition to Television and Film without all the guesswork and confusion. Featured in 26 mainstream movies and guest starring in over 100 television shows, Thom has been assisting Hollywood Actors, Directors and Producers fine-tune their talent, become memorable and get hired for over 40 years.